Complaints Procedure

Freestart plc always aim to achieve the highest possible standards in all areas of our business and particularly in dealing with our customers and with those we contact regarding accounts we are collecting.There are of course times when things go wrong. This page sets out our internal complaints procedure, and advises you how to make a complaint, and how you can expect your complaint to be dealt with.

We want to hear from you...

If you are dissatisfied with ANY aspect of the service we provide, for whatever reason, this is a complaint and will be dealt with under this procedure.

To improve our standards, we also want to know what you think about the service you have received. We would like to know if you think we have got things wrong, or when you have any suggestions that may improve services.

Complaints form...

To make sure we get all the necessary information we have created a standard form which we would like you to use. Please click here to access our online complaints form.

What this form is for...

You can use the form to make a comment or complaint about a service, or if you have any suggestions as to how we may improve our services.

You can also use the form to tell us when you are dissatisfied with the outcome of an approach, or if you feel a grievance has not been properly resolved.

What happens next...?

  • When you submit your form, your comment or complaint will be allocated a ticket number. This number will be emailed to you by an automatic response form and you can use this if you wish to contact us again with regards to your complaint.
  • Your completed form will go to our customer support unit. Staff will identify which department is responsible for dealing with it, and then send it on to the head of that department.
  • If your complaint can be answered reasonably quickly, you should get an answer from the department within 10 working days of it being received. The response may be via email, or by telephone.
  • If it's more complicated we will give you a progress report within 10 working days, and a full response within a further 15 working days.
  • If you want to check on the progress of your complaint, or for any general information, please contact the Customer Support unit using the details below.
  • You can also check current progress on your complaint by logging into the ticket on the Customer Support section on our website -

What happens if I'm still not happy...?

We hope that this procedure will be able to sort out most complaints. However, if you still feel your complaint has not been resolved you can write to the Complaints Department, Freestart plc, 12 Lord Street, Wigan, WN1 2BN. Who will carry out an independent investigation.