SEO York

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the skill of getting companies websites to appear higher up the rankings on various search engines. It’s no good having the best website possible if it doesn’t appear within pages 1 to 3 of Google, Yahoo and other platforms. Company owners aim to get as much organic traffic visiting their site as possible in an attempt to yield sales growth.

As SEO specialists we know that when searching for products, companies & services online, we generally try to target precise keywords to find what we are looking for. We usually never go past the first few pages of search results given in any search engine meaning companies who don’t appear early up the rankings are never viewed!

Here at Freestart Plc we offer these SEO services in York and across the UK. We have an extensive range of clients from all differing industries and we offer these with Search Engine Optimisation, PPC & Link building facilities from our experienced SEO Technicians. As one of the UKs leading Marketing agencies we thrive on offering our clients high quality monthly optimisation. The main thing that separates us from any other SEO company in the country is that we don’t trap you in any form of contract; we work on a rolling monthly basis!

Please get in contact with us today to discuss future prospects with Freestart Plc

Just remember 80% of users searching for products online usually buy products online!

Call now on 0844 774 7777 or request your free SEO audit today.