SEO Liverpool

SEO Services in Liverpool

SEO is a very important part of keeping your website visible and at the top of search engines, without online marketing you might find that your website will not give you the return of investment that you had in mind. Here at Freestart we offer a full range of marketing options from SEO and PPC, to building you a whole new and refreshed website so that you are keeping up to date with the current trends on the internet.

Our SEO Process

We always start our process with a full SEO Proposal, this is where we analyse your website to find the current issues. We will document everything we find including the good, the bad and the ugly!

After this we can then start with the Onsite process, this is where we go through your entire website and find all the relevant keywords relating to each page on your website. These are the terms that people are searching in search engines that should be picking up your website. Once the keywords have been found and confirmed we can then complete your onsite rewrite.

Here we focus on building the Domain Authority of your website. We will do this by completing monthly link building and creating blogs. This will help search engines to trust your website more, causing your rankings to go up. We also complete monthly reports to make sure that you are completely confident and can review the SEO work that we complete each month.

So if you’re looking to get your website ranking for Liverpool or surrounding areas, give us a call on 0844 774 777 or click here for your free SEO audit.