Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click

PPC is the fastest and most effective way of online advertising, we will make sure your listed on the first page in 30 minutes. PPC is the only certain way of getting a guaranteed listing on the first page. Our PPC experts have been managing campaigns since Adwords began.

How it works...

1. Free PPC Audit

We give you a free PPC audit, we can help you maximize conversion rates and click through ratios with a professionally ran campaign.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research is massively important with PPC Campaigns and is often over looked. It’s important to get the right balance of relevant search terms and how frequently they are searched for and the level of competition.

3.Campaign Management

We then will tailor-make the campaign to suit your business and budget.  We write descriptions that highlight the selling points of your business and attract more customers for the right reasons. We'll also make sure that people are directed to appropriate pages, helping to reduce bounce rates.

4. PPC Reporting

We set up with your own Google Adword’s account, this allows you access to your personal Google Analytics account. We provide comprehensive reporting that is simple to understand. Freestart’s reporting provides you information so you know exactly how your PPC ads are performing under our expert management.

Want to know more about our Pay Per Click Campaigns? Why not give one of our Online Marketing Consultants a call now on 0844 774 7777.