Local Search

Local Search

What is local search...

It’s beneficial to optimise your businesses website for local visibility, many customers like dealing with local businesses, so it’s essential your website has a local online presence. Restaurants in Reading? Hotels in Harrogate? No problem, we will get you where your customers can find you.

How it Works...

1. Onsite Optimisation

If you’re just embarking on optimising the visibility of your site, for local searches the first thing to do is to make sure that your targeted area is integrated in key elements on-page optimisation.

  • Title tags
  • Meta Descriptions
  • Body text
  • Header tags
  • Image descriptions

2. Submission & Management of Google Places

We will then submit and set up your, Google places listing. Once we have set up your page, will all the relevant information that is necessary we will send out a verification postcard to your business address. This code is required to activate your local listing. We will then optimise your Google places listing.

3. Optimise your Listing

There are many things we do to increase your map listing higher up the local map, the first is integrate social media platforms. We need to then optimise your social networks to suit your map search. The main Social Media platforms Google recognise for local optimisation are:

  • Google
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Foursquare

We also then encourage Google reviews this makes your listing more attractive and helps optimise the listing.

4. Local SEO Optimisation

If your business offers services from numerous locations but you don’t have different websites to serve each area then we will generate different listings for each place your business operates in. We also create local directory listings, this helps increase your business via the local listings.

If you require any further information about Local Search Optimisation and Freestart Marketing why not give our team a call now on 0844 774 2974 or fill in our online enquiry form.