Landing Pages

Landing Pages

Why do you – as a business – need landing pages on your website?
Getting lacklustre page visits to your site? Need to push a particular product or offer?

Landing pages are an indispensable tool when it comes to inbound marketing for your company, regardless of whether you function as B2B or B2C, or whether you offer services or products.

The content marketing tool works by targeting pages on your website that you would like to push – whether it’s an offer, a new service or product – using redirection and calls-to-action to bring your customer to the conversion stage of the sales process.

By informing potential customers about a particular product or service, whilst conveying your company’s knowledge and experience, you can reassure them of your position as a specialist within your industry – bringing them closer to the buying decision.

Today’s technologically-minded customer is unlikely to opt for the services of a company if their website is poorly populated with content, as this implies that the business has little to no interest or passion towards their respective industry.

With a team who boast over a decade of specialised digital content marketing experience - whose past clients include household names and internationally-recognised high street brands - you can rest assured that you will receive only the most fine-tuned content for your requirements.

Contact us today to discuss a consultation with our experienced content marketing team, who will work with you on a bespoke basis to promote the elements of your website that mean the most to you. Being in direct contact with our team of writers throughout the process will ensure you receive a truly personalised service, creating the impactful impression your company deserves.

With a range of add-ons available, such as graphics, corresponding blog posts and eBooks, Freestart Plc strive to explore the most effective methods for transforming your page visitors into loyal customers. By utilising content across the site, through a strategy of SEO page copy, blog posts, eBooks and landing pages, you can start raking in those leads.