
There are many ways that we here at Freestart can help you get the best from your website using the latest techniques and online marketing tools:

  • SEO
  • Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Local Search

Why Choose Freestart?

  • With over 15 years in the Online Marketing Industry our experts know what works, and what we need to do to give you an edge over your competitors.
  • We are a recognised Google Adwords Centre

  • We regularly invest in new technology and training to ensure the best results for our customers

  • We keep you up to date with your results and continuously aim to improve your listings

  • We have a vareity of packages to suit all budgets

Why is SEO important?

  • SEO is a cost effective tool compared to other forms of online marketing including Social Media Marketing and email marketing as it offers a greater ROI

  • Over 80% of people search for products and services online and this number is only going to increase. SEO is a prominent tool for your customers to find you online.

  • With the rise of people using smart phones to search online, a whole new world of SEO techniques has opened up for you to take advantage of

  • SEO gives you an unrivalled insight into your customers and improves the credibility of your business

For more information about our online marketing solutions why not give us a call on 0844 774 7777 or request a free SEO analayis today!