Our Partners


We here at Freestart are proud to work with some of the worlds largest companies in order for our customers to have access to the tools they need for a more successful business.

Merchant Partners

PayPal is an international merchant offering a secure, convenient and cost-effective way to send and receive payments online.

WorldPay are the UK's leading payment provider, dedicated to providing the best card payment service.

Secure Trading delivers one of the most secure, reliable, fully PCI DSS compliant online payment processing to organisations worldwide.

Sage Pay is known as one of the most trusted payment companies in Europe serving over 50,000 customers.

CardSave is a division of WorldPay. They host a range of card payment solutions designed to fit any business.

Payment Sense are ranked the 7th fastest growing tech Company in the UK. They serve over 30,000 customer worldwide and process over £3 billion worth of transactions yearly.


Vistaprint is focused on giving the 50 million micro businesses around the world a chance to stand out with professional marketing products and services all at an affordable price.

Dun & Bradstreet is the world’s leading source of business information and insight, enabling companies to Decide with Confidence® since 1841.

Sister Companies

Appyli is a development division of Freestart plc. We create state of the art mobile apps for businesses throughout the UK to help them increase business and customer interaction.

Check Rate invites Businesses of a defined calibre to display the Check Rate trust mark logo, this represents its seal of approval for these online businesses, stating that you are a well established, highly credit rated company!

Buegle was designed as an easy to use e-commerce solution that allows customers to share the products and services of their favourite businesses through key social media networks.